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“Everyone has many layers in his or her personality. An outgoing person might also have a very shy side” – quoted by Nikki S. Lee.


Exploring identity is the focus of my practice. Carrying on from my previous theme from last year, creating an Instagram social "J-rock fandom" persona, my art practice explores the many layers of an individual's identity; I chose four of my inner personalities which are part of my identity, with the intention to visually unveil what is actually underneath my identity that is judged by other people on what they see on the outside. 'What makes up my identity? Why do we judge people by appearance?'  These are questions I ask myself exploring further who I am and how people see others.  


 In relation to media used in artworks by artists, Nikki S. Lee’s “project” series,  and “3-D VIDEO NIRVANA (1996-97)” by Mariko Mori, I’m using the art of cosplay to dress up as the different personalities of myself, through my alter ego that I created and used in last year's work, and has become a major part of my practice. Nagi represents my feelings, emotions, thoughts and my culture, and I discover more about my Japanese cultural background through her, along with my different behavior and personalities formed when being around others. showing how people would judge or assume another individual (using myself to show this example), then later on gradually seeing how different layers of that individual’s identity unravel through different circumstances; for instance, having a birthday party or receiving a gift would automatically make someone happy and cheerful. 


Nági helps me to discover why people make assumptions of other people’s identity through the clothes they wear, the way they talk and gesture, etc, and how they judge me; this also makes me see how layers of personalities within identity are shown and are made more noticeable within an individual.  


The paintings from the "Split Personalities-Colours of Japan" series show my split personalities, using Nagi as the representation; these are layers of my identity. They are titled in Japanese in reference to the colours used for the types of stereotypical characters found in Japanese “anime”; this is to connect my cultural background that I am exploring, and to show visually that the hidden personality inside is what other individuals are seeing openly on the outside. 


“The shy Geisha- Shyness of Nagi” was the first performance piece, in front of a painted back-drop and dressed as my alter ego representing a shy geisha. This personality is very much hidden and sometimes can become exposed through a certain situation. The fan is a symbol of shyness and the body movement was swift yet delicate, giving the idea of wanting to hide away from the glaring crowd. Using dance to express emotions was inspired by Pina Bausch’s performances and choreography. 


"The Happiness of Nagi”, involved a birthday party installation scenery and other fellow students were invited to take part in the performance. Reviewing the film in the party space made everyone feel happy and cheerful thus showing how much one person can impact on others though their actions. “Nagi Is a Tsundere?!” and “Madusa no Hikori” (Vain and Proud) are combined together in the interim exhibition, showing personally how I feel during and after letting out my anger in certain situations; my vain personality enters afterwards, freeing myself from the real world of problems and calamities, into my own isolated mirrored world of vanity and tranquility. 


 I intend use interactive-video live performance and installations to express the authentic self through my culture, race and social life with all of these layers put together as one subject that identifies as me. My layers of identity makes me understand who I am and my work has also encouraged viewers to take interest of their own layers that make them who they are. 









Quotation: Nikki S Lee, Photographer Nikki S. Lee Can Turn Into Anyone; The Creation Project, 21 July 2010 <> 



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